How to choose the right sauna?

Choosing the right sauna involves considering several factors to ensure it meets your needs and preferences. The task of picking out the right one may seem daunting at first since the US market has been flooded with many more brands during the last few years.

Here’s a quick step-by-step guide we’ve compiled to help you better understand the process:

  1. Type of Sauna:

    • Traditional Sauna: Uses electric heaters and heated rocks to raise the temperature, and humidity can be controlled by how often you spray water onto the rocks. Infrared Sauna: Uses infrared heaters to emit infrared light experienced as radiant heat, which is absorbed by the skin. Look for saunas with low EMF (Electromagnetic Field) emissions to minimize potential health risks.

  2. Location:

    • Decide whether you want an indoor or outdoor sauna. Indoor saunas are more common and convenient, while outdoor saunas can offer an unique experience in a beautiful backyard if you have one.

  3. Size and Capacity:

    • Determine how many of you will typically use the sauna at once. Saunas come in various sizes, from compact models for 1-2 people to larger ones for 6 or more. Luckily, we have them all available and stocked in our US warehouses.

  4. Materials and Construction:

    • Our traditional saunas are made from durable, heat-resistant materials like cedar or Nordic spruce. The wood should be untreated or treated with non-toxic substances.

    • Our infrared saunas are made using a combination of thermo-aspen and Canadian cedar or hemlock.

  5. Heating Method:

    • Electric: Easy to install and control, suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Wood-burning: Offers a traditional sauna experience, but requires more maintenance and space.

    • Most of our sauna kits come with a default heater with upgrade options; however, we do also sell standalone heaters for customers who’d like to build their own saunas.

  6. Features:

    • Consider additional features such as:

      • Digital control panel: Allows you to adjust temperature, time settings and more.

      • Wi-Fi capability: Allows you to control the sauna using an app. This upgrade can only be added on if you already have a digitally-controlled heater. Please note heaters with built-in controls are not compatible with this upgrade.

      • Lighting: LED lights or traditional sauna lamps.

      • Audio system: Built-in speakers or compatibility with your own music device. Our high-end model G7S Outdoor Sauna does come with this feature.

      • Ventilation: Important for air circulation and comfort.

  7. Ease of Assembly and Maintenance:

    • Check if the sauna is easy to assemble if it’s a DIY kit. Consider the maintenance requirements, such as cleaning and wood treatment for outdoor saunas. Read our other articles on specific maintenance tips here.

  8. Certifications and Safety:

    • Look for saunas that meet safety standards relevant to your region. Most of our products are UL listed or come with stringent certifications.

  9. Warranty and Support:

    • All our saunas come with a manufacturer’s warranty that covers parts and defects. We also offer dedicated tech support during installation as well as post sale to address any issues our customers may encounter.

  10. Budget:

    • Last but not least, set a budget based on the type and features you want. Remember to include installation costs if applicable.


By considering these factors, you can choose a sauna that fits your lifestyle, space, and preferences, whether you prioritize traditional steam saunas or modern infrared options. Now you’re on your way to make a more informed decision, feel free to chat with us for product availability as some models may take extra time to arrive to us. At last, we’d love to have you onboard to embark on a healthy sauna journey of a lifetime!


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